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Biography and life story Information
Olivia Munn

Biography life story Information about celebrities - cv from Wikipedia
The life story of Olivia Munn, comic actress and fashion model and the introduction of US and writer.
The life story of Olivia Munn, comic actress and fashion model and the introduction of US and writer, was born on July 3, 1980 in Oklahoma - the United States.

CV Content:

Biography Information of Olivia Munn.
Biography Life Story of Olivia Munn.
Artist Works from Olivia Munn.

Biography Information:

Nickname: Kajol Olivia Munn.
Full name: Lisa Olivia Munn.
Country Nationality: United States
Country of residence: Tokyo - Los Angeles, California, and New York.
Date of Birth: July 3, 1980
Place of Birth: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States.
Work: actress, fashion model, introduction.
Genre: Comedy.

Biography Life Story:

Olivia Munn was born in 1980, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States. The father of a German roots and a Chinese mother, and because of her mother's marriage to more than once, moving from one country to another, we can say that Olivia Mann grew up in Tokyo Japan. At the time, it began to appear on the local theaters platforms, and then worked in the fashion show. At that time she divorced her mother and Olivia returned to Oklahoma to pursue high school and then college, and studied journalism and art at the University of Oklahoma.
She began her athletic career as a reporter, and did not like it to work, and then entered into the field of television that. In 2006 she moved to the G4 network. Notable stations in her participation in the film Big Stan also had a major role in the horror film Insanitarium, and then entered into the field of comedy on TV, and have proven great success. It also participated in the ads to let him trademarks notably Nike and Pepsi and Neutrogena, and since 2006 the soft star has been able to top the pages of international magazines, and it continues to this day.
On a personal level, she knew her love for charity.
And on an emotional level, linked by a relationship Swedish actor Joel Kinaman, she lives today between Los Angeles, California, and New York

Artist Works:


Magic Mike (2012). The Babymakers (2013). Deliver Us from Evil (2014). Mortdecai (2015). Ride Along 2. X-Men: Apocalypse. Office Christmas Party (2016).


The Newsroom (2013).


X-Men: Apocalypse. Mortdecai.
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