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Biography and life story Information
Recep Tayyip Erdogan

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The life story of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, chairman of Turkey.
The life story of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, chairman of Turkey, was born on February 26, 1954 Istanbul, Turkey.

CV Content:

Biography Information of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Biography Life Story of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Biography Information:

Nickname: Recep Erdogan.
Full name: Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Turkish name: ɾed͡ʒep tajjip æɾdo.an
The correct pronunciation: Recep Tayyip Erdogan (letter g is not pronounced in the modern Turkish language).
Country Nationality: Turkey.
Country of residence: Turkey.
Religion: Islam (Sunni).
Date of Birth: February 26, 1954.
Place of Birth: Istanbul, Turkey.
Work: politician.
Position: Head of Turkey.
Party: Justice and Development Party (formerly).
Years of work: the seventies - yet.
Marital status: Married.
Wife: Amina Erdogan.

Biography Life Story:

Recep Tayyip Erdogan was born in 1954 in Istanbul - Turkey. In a poor family. He spent his early childhood in Rize province on the Black Sea and then returned back to Istanbul at the age of 13 years. He studied at the schools (Imam Khatib) Islamic religious, then graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Marmara University. It was a football player semi-professional soccer between 1969 - 1982 and was playing for the club Pasha Qasim.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan joined the (Party of National Salvation) at the end of the seventies, but with the military coup that took place in 1980, was the abolition of all parties, and in 1983, party life returned to Turkey and returned Activity Erdogan joining (the Welfare Party), won by Erdogan's mayoralty Istanbul in 1994, and in 1998 was accused of inciting religious hatred because of quoting verses from the Turkish hair while delivering a speech in the city of Siirt Province have been banned from office and sentenced to prison for 10 months. And then go to (Virtue Party), which was attended by the year 2001, Just go for Erdogan opportunity to bolt his together with some of his comrades whom Abdullah Gul, and the establishment of the Justice and Development Party, and the work Erdogan that pays for itself any suspicion angry secular institutions, announced that the AKP the development will maintain the foundations of the republican system and will not enter into haggling with the Turkish armed forces will be followed by a clear and active policy in order to reach the goal that Ataturk drawn for the establishment of a civilized society and contemporary art in the context of Islamic values ​​he believes in 99% of the citizens of Turkey. And in 2003 he earned his party the majority of the Turkish parliament seats, and could not be served as President at that time because of the consequences of his imprisonment and made that task his companion Abdullah Gul, while only is to serve as prime minister of the Turkish Republic, but his influence was stronger than the President of the Republic, and in 2014 chose to become independent after winning the post of President of the Turkish Republic in the twelfth August 28, 2014, and has since won the first round, defeating his rivals, he was the first Turkish president to be elected by direct ballot. It is considered one of the most important officials in the Islamic world and Turkey has known great economic boom in the period of his rule.

Political career:

Party affiliation:

National Salvation Party (seventies -1980).
Welfare Party (1983-1998).
Virtue Party (1998-2001).
Justice and Development Party (2001-2014).
Independent (2014-now).


Mayor of Istanbul (1994-1998).
Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey (2003-2014)
President of the Turkish Republic (2014-now).
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