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Biography and life story Information
Rola Yamout

Biography life story Information about celebrities - cv from Wikipedia
Life story Rola Yamout, casual Lebanese, born August 5, 1984 in Beirut - Lebanon.
Life story Rola Yamout, casual Lebanese, born August 5, 1984 in Beirut - Lebanon.

CV Content:

Biography Information of Rola Yamout.
Biography Life Story of Rola Yamout.
Official Accounts to Connect

Biography Information:

Nickname: Rola Yamout
Titles: Queen of Seduction
Location: Lebanon
Religion: Islam (Sunni)
Date of Birth: August 5, 1984
Place of Birth: Beirut, Lebanon
Work: casual
Type: hot swimwear
Father: Mohammed dies
Brothers: Haifa Wehbe (a Lebanese singer)

Biography Life Story:

Rola Yamout was born in 1984 in Beirut, capital of Lebanon, a Lebanese father named Mohammed dies Egyptian mother, her grandfather's brand Shafiq die, and her cousin deputy in the Lebanese parliament as the die.
Rola Yamout is the younger sister of the mother's side of the Lebanese star Haifa Wehbe, and there is a big disagreement between them and the media war reciprocal.
From time to time give rise to controversy around Rolla published photographs too bold Pmayohat her clothes and scandalous. It is looking to enter the world of cinema, where he offered them more than a film to work ahead in Egypt during the coming period.

Official Accounts to Connect:

Facebook: facebook.com/Diva-Rola-Yamout-624139457619166
Twitter: twitter.com/Rolayammout
Instagram: instagram.com/rola_yammout
Youtube: No official account.
Google +: No official account.
Official site: No official site.
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