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Biography and life story Information
Shayleen Woodley

Biography life story Information about celebrities - cv from Wikipedia
Life story Shailene Diann Woodley, American actress.
Life story Shailene Diann Woodley, American actress, born November 15, 1991 in California - USA.

CV Content:

Biography Information of Shailene Woodley.
Biography Life Story of Shailene Woodley.

Biography Information:

Nickname: Shailene Woodley
Full name: Shailene Diann Woodley
Country Nationality: United States
Date of Birth: November 15, 1991
Place of Birth: Simi Valley, California, United States
Work: representation
Working years: 1992 - yet
Father: Looney Wolde
Mother: Lori
Brothers: Tanner

Biography Life Story:

And Shailene Woodley was born in 1991 in Simi Valley in California in the United States, called the mother (Laurie) was a tutor at the middle school, and the father called (Looney Wolde) was the headmaster. She has a younger brother named (Tanner), her career began at the age of Kmodel commercials.
Shailene Woodley topped the list of the names of the ten most beautiful women artists of 2015, depending on the location ARY NEWS.
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