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Biography and life story Information
Sophia Loren

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The life story of Sophia Loren, Italian actress, was born on September 20, 1934.
The life story of Sophia Loren, Italian actress, was born on September 20, 1934 in Naples - Italy.

CV Content:

Biography Information of Sophia Loren.
Biography Life Story of Sophia Loren.

Biography Information:

Nickname: Sophia Loren.
Full real name: Sofia Villani Skitchelona.
The country of nationality: Italy, France.
Country of Origin: Palestine.
Religion: Christianity (Catholic).
Date of Birth: September 20, 1934.
Place of Birth: Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy.
Work: acting.
Type: Hollywood movies.
Working years: 1950 - until now.
Marital status: divorced.
Ex-husband Carlo Ponti (1957-1962) (1966-2007).
Sons, Carlo Ponti, Eduardo Ponti.
Father: Villani Skitchelona (adoptive).

Biography Life Story:

And Sophia Loren was born in 1934 in the town of Pozzuoli near Naples in Italy. Where it attributed to Villani Skitchelona who adopted after marrying her mother as they go back to the origins of the Palestinian village of Kafr Qara. Her mother was a piano teacher and aspiring to become an actress, and her sisters lived since childhood without the support of the father. At one time, Sophia and her sister Maria returned to Botzwol near Naples, to Taicha with Jeddah Sofia for them spending. During World War II, the harbor and munitions factory in Bowczyola target repeatedly bombed by the Allies. During one of those raids, and in Sofia was on her way to a shelter from the shelling, he was hit by shrapnel in the chin. Then the family moved to Naples where he resided when their relatives. After the war, Sofia and her family returned to Bowczyola. The grandmother opened a pub and restaurant in the house, and on the sale of alcoholic beverages made locally from Cherry. While Romilda the piano, singing and Maria van Sofia has tables to serve and wash dishes.
When I was fourteen years old, I participated in a beauty contest in Naples, and between selected contestant finals. Later chapters engaged in a representation was chosen in a small role in the film (Quo Vadis) for Mervyn Leroy, here began its work in representation of the later take the name of artistic Sophia Loren.
By the late fifties, the star Sophia Loren began to shine in Hollywood, with films in 1957 (Boy on a Dolphin) and (The Pride and the Passion) tournament, which took part in it with Cary Grant and Frank Sinatra. And it has become an international movie star signed five contracts with Paramount. Among the films in that period (Desire Under the Elms, Heller in Pink Tights), where he appeared haired blonde wig showed high skills in performance, and attracted respect it as a dramatic actress and comedy in that, also gained time good skills in the English language. In the sixties, she appeared in the film (Two Women) to get many awards, including festivals in Cannes, Venice and Berlin film as the best performance. Oscar Award for Best Actress and was granted, the first Oscar award given to the actress English is not your first language.
During the decade that was Sophia Loren is one of the most popular actresses in the world and continued to provide films in both the United States and Europe, represented with big stars. In 1964, her career reached its peak when he received a million dollars to meet representation in (The Fall of the Roman Empire). Despite the failure of a number of films at the box office, but Lauren has been an object of admiration. And it became regarded widely Italian actress most popular in its time, as promised a symbol of temptation symbols.
After becoming a mother, Sophia Loren reduced her artistic work. He then appeared in the old Lent and fifties in the roles of them in the film (The Voyage) with Richard Burton, and (A Special Day) with Masturiana.ovi 1980, represented herself as well as her mother, in a movie biography television (Sophia Loren: Her Own Story ). In 1991 he received an honorary Academy Award in honor of their contributions to the world of cinema, and announced as one of the treasures of world cinema. In 1995 won the "Golden Globe, Cecil my prize Damaal Oward." Recorded over twenty songs throughout her career, including album counted among the best-selling and which contains songs comedy with Peter Sellers.
Sophia Loren occupied the headlines in 1982 when it ruled the 18-day prison sentence in Italy on charges of tax evasion.
Sophia Loren held a marriage by proxy of the filmmaker Carlo Ponti in Atlanta in 1957, who had been raising the issue of divorce from his first wife, Giuliana in Mexico, Italy and the fact that time does not recognize divorce, to condemn the Catholic Church to marry. In 1962, the divorce between him and Juliana in France to marry Lauren cohabit, in 1966 in France. And gave birth to Carlo Ponti Jr. and Eduardo Ponte, and finally divorced in 2007.
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