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Biography and life story Information
Claire Holt

Biography life story Information about celebrities - cv from Wikipedia
The life story of Claire Holt, Australian actress, born on June 11, 1988.
The life story of Claire Holt, Australian actress, born on June 11, 1988 in Brisbane - Australia.

CV Content:

Biography Information of Claire Holt.
Biography Life Story of Claire Holt.
Artist Works from Claire Holt.

Biography Information:

Nickname: Claire Holt.
Country Nationality: Australia.
Date of Birth: June 11, 1988.
Place of Birth: Brisbane, Australia.
Work: actress.
Type: Cinema, Television.
Years of work: 2006 - until now.

Biography Life Story:

Claire Holt was born in 1988 in the city of Brisbane in Australia. Renowned for its performance after the role (Emma Gilbert) in the TV series (H2O: Just Add Water) since 2006, and in the role of (Rebecca) in the supernatural drama series (The Vampire Diaries) in 2009 (The CW).

Artist Works:


Messengers 2: The Scarecrow (2009), Blue Like Jazz (2012), 47 Meters Down (TBC).


H2O: Just Add Water (2006-08), Pretty Little Liars, Mean Girls 2 (2011), The Vampire Diaries (2011-14), The Originals (2013-present), Aquarius (2015-present).
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